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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi Team,


As a Low vision person, I am able to work on Dark Background and White foreground (Dark theme).

I won't find the feature, kindly upgrade for the same. I tried the suggestions in google as work with Palette option,

in my case that's not much help. and also kindly make Alteryx as much as accessible.


Thanks & Regards


  • New Request

Can we have an option to disable all tool containers at once? Similar to disable all browse tools or tools that write output.

I would like to see Designer offer me the ability to chain workflows together where once Workflow A completes, Workflow B will automatically start.  There are times when linear processing is required in order to avoid dependency issues and/or for making it easier to organize complex processes. It would require outputting results to static files and it would take longer to process than the standard approach, but that is an expected trade-off.  Offering a GUI drag-drop "orchestrator" to tell Designer the order of operation would be even better than having to manually open each workflow and tell it which workflow to kick off next.

At the moment, in order for users in our organisation to run apps, they need to be added to permissions for the data connection for the server/DB the app uses (as we use Gallery connections for ease of collaboration within the Analytics team).


This is fine provided users running the apps do not have Alteryx Designer, however, we have users across the business who do use Designer - we don't always want these users having direct access to query the server/DB through designer just because they have the connection in order to run workflows on the Gallery. It's my understanding that at the moment this is necessarily the case, which is not ideal.


Would be great if we could grant permissions for users to use the connection to run apps in the Gallery without that enabling them to use that connection in Designer to query the DB however they want.

Hello All,


I am not sure whether my idea makes sense or not. 


In today's advanced analytics world, we used RPA for various automation, process simplification, etc. There are CO-BOTs that are designed to run the Alteryx flow as well. Through RPA we are able to log in to the system and tools like Cognos, Oracle, TM1, and so on.


So, I am thinking, if Alteryx developed RPA as a tool in the Alteryx Designer like other tools such as Join, Transform, ML, Computer Vision, Interface, etc. 


I believe the implementation of RPA in Alteryx will prove an Asset, and make more powerful.




If you have 2 containers  A, B and both are not connected through any tool, now you need to run A container first then after completion of running A container then you want to start B container process because B container uses A container output. 


For this we have Chained Apps but what if we want to run both containers in same workflow. This feature will be helpful for so many people.


let’s suppose I am working a bank accounts and I do want to make sure I end up with minimum required information hence I would pull the template provided and work backward from there to manipulate the data. The template would include as well a predefined tableau output for example! 


  • New Request

For very complex canvases and api data pulls that take a long time, it would be great that as we're working through the canvas to put flags or some setting that would allow us to keep data already pulled into a tool. This way I can set a certain tool to keep all of its data and then all tools i work on from that point forward will pull from that tool rather than from the beginning of the canvas.


for ex.


input tool --> api tool --> formatting tools --> new tools being worked on


if i can set the end of the formatting tools to keep all data then when i run the canvas only the new tools being worked on would get refreshed


i hope that's clear... currently it's very frustrating that any small change i make, i have to rerun the whole canvas and that takes a while

  • New Request

Hi everyone! I have been trying to find a way to do this without creating a new idea, but I have decided to make it an official 'Idea' to see if there is anyone else that might appreciate a feature like this (or has found there own way to do it!)


Do your workflows look like this...


cable mgmt idea (before).png


but you wish they could look like this?


cable mgmt idea (after).png


Well... they can with your help!


Okay, I might be crazy...but its worth a shot.


While I understand this is an extremely niche issue, in my experience, it can become very difficult to trace the data through unmanaged lines in large workflows. I think it will be great to cable manage canvas lines so workflows are easier to follow. Heck, while I am already at it, I think it we should all start calling these canvas lines cables... They don't carry electricity, but they sure do carry data!


Here is an example I created in Alteryx using select tools and containers:

alteryx cable mgmt idea.png



  • New Request

Ability to color the connector lines to symbolize a path or data. This would help when you have multiple sources into a Join to determine that a path is still the same set of data when you have multiple paths created.

  • New Request

I am working with complex workflows which use multiple files as input, located on network drives. Input tools are Input Data, Directory, Wildcard Input, Wildcard XLSX Input (from CReW macros).


Regularly, I experience very slow Designer when working on the workflows, and slow progress when running the tools mentioned above, especially when working from home. Switching off Auto Configure did not really help because I the column list sometimes does not converge even after pressing F5 multiple times, and when actively working on workflows, I have to press F5 all the time...


In order to speed up both working on workflows and running the workflows, I would like to propose a function "Cache all File Inputs" which loads and caches all file inputs at once. To achieve this state, I now have Cache and Run workflow once per every file input.

  • New Request


I would love it if; when I select cells/ columns or anything really, from the results window (see pic), that it shows me a number count for what I selected please.

Thank you! 😁



  • New Request

I have a use case where I am transitioning workflows to someone - 


One workflow leverages the outputs of one workflow as inputs in to another - it would be awesome if I could include a link on a tool or comment box that would automatically open the exact output tool. Right now I am taking pictures and mentioning the names of files and tool-ids. Seems like it would be an easier way. 

  • New Request

Would it be possible to have alteryx create the IAM user + password? If that's possible, we can create an IAM role that would allow you to assume this role.


Can alteryx create this type of user and assume our role?

  • New Request

Can we have a User Setting that allows the users to select if Alteryx should prevent the computer to go into Sleep or Hibernate mode when running a workflow?


Would love to have the ability to connect S3 to alteryx using the AWS IAM role instead of needing an AWS access key/secret key.


IT will not hand out the Access/secret key so it would be great to connect to S3 without needing a password.

  • New Request

Please add in a feature to connect to S3 via AWS IAM roles.

  • New Request

Hello Alteryx Community,

If like me, you've been developing in Alteryx for a few years, or if you find yourself as a new developer creating solutions for your organization - chances are you'll need to create some form of support procedure or automation configuration file at some point. In my experience, the foundation of these files is typically explaining to users what each tool in the workflow is doing, and what transformations to the data are being made. These are typically laborious to create and often created in a non-standardized way.


The proposal: Create Alteryx Designer native functionality to parse a workflow's XML and translate the tool configurations into a step by step word document of a given workflow.


Although the expectation is that after something like this is complete a user may need to add contextual details around the logic created, this proposal should eliminate a lot of the upfront work in creating these documents.


Understand some workflow may be very complex but for a simple workflow like the below, a proposed output could be like the below, and if annotations are provided at the tool level, the output could pick those up as well:



Workflow Name: Sample

1) Text Input tool (1) - contains 1 row with data across columns test and test1. This tool connects to Select Tool (2).

2) Select Tool (2) - deselects "Unknown" field and changes the data type of field test1 to a Double. This tool connects to Output (3).

3) Output (3) - creates .xlsx output called test.xlsx 

Just another QOL change from me today. 
When building a workflow - just for fun sometimes I like to make mistakes. It's never by accident I promise 😎


Now theoretically, if I did make a mistake, and put a tool in the wrong place (or want to refactor, or want to move a select earlier in the workflow etc), I would typically right click, cut and connect around, and then right click the connection I want to paste onto. This works fine, however, some users are unaware of it, and it can still be a bit of a pain.


What would be really nice, is if we could hit ctrl and click/drag a tool, to move it elevated of connections. I have attempted to create a couple of gifs to illustrate.

The current method of moving a tool within a workstream:



What I'd love, if you could hold ctrl + drag:



  • New Request

Hello Team,


I am working on the different Alteryx Models for my monthly and weekly reporting and reconciliations. Several times during recon and validation, I forgot to close the output file and run the Model, few of my Models take around 9-10mins to complete a 1 run, in that case, after10mins the Model kicks off the message - "Error: Output Data: Unable to delete Excel file", this wasted the whole running time. 


I suggest two Idea options - 


The first Idea is, it would be great if you provide the functionality to overwrite the output file manually, for example - if the user forgets to close the output file and run the Model, at the end when Alteryx Model generates the output, It will ask a user to whether you need to overwrite the existing file or not. In that way, we save the running time and effort of the user. It's a very general mistake any user doing while working on the Models - forget to close the output file.


The Second Idea is, It would be helpful for users if Alteryx Model provide a message in the first place when the run kicked off - that output file is opened please close it. It will save enough time from the user prospect 




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