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Turn on/off connection paths

I would love to have the option to easily disable a section of the workflow while diverting around the disabled tools.


I know the Detour and Detour End tools exist, but I think this functionality could be improved.  My idea would be either/both of the following functions.


Break links between tools.  Think of a workflow as a circuit board and the connection paths between tools as parts of a circuit.  With every tool connected/enabled the full circuit is complete.  However, if there is a section of the workflow which is temporarily unneeded, it would be great to have the option to break the connection between tools and then reconnect at a later point to complete the circuit.  My idea would be to have the option on a line/path to break the connection temporarily (greying out the tools downstream) and enabling it further downstream.  It's similar to what the Detour and Detour End do, but without needing additional tools on the canvas


Everything enabled[ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ]
First and last enabled but links to 4 tools in the middle are broken, diverting around them with no other tools needed.[ tool ] ->( - )<- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] ->( + )<- [ tool ]


Alternatively, if you were to select the unneeded tools in the workflow and place them into a container, then disable it, it could skip those disabled tools without breaking the circuit.
[ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ] ---- [ tool ]

[ tool ] -><- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] --/-- [ tool ] -><- [ tool ]