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SQL Editor Tool for In-DB Workflow

While In-db tools are very helpful and cut down the time needed to write complex SQL , there are some steps that are faster by directly writing SQL like window functions- OVER (PARTITION BY .....). In Alteryx, we need to create multiple joins and summaries to perform a window function. It would be immensely helpful if there was a SQL editor tool for in-db workflows where we can edit the SQL code at any point in the workflow, or even better, if they can add an "edit" function to every in-db tool where we can customize the SQL code generated and then send to the next tool.


This will cut down the time immensely and streamline the workflow to make Alteryx a true contender for the ETL solution space.

13 - Pulsar
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Agree with you @hsinom1 - general support for Window functions in the push-down in-DB tooling.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes