Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Run macros in debug mode

Despite being an Alteryx user for 2 and a 1/2 years this is something I have only recently came across but it does not appear that you are able to use debug mode appropriately with macros.

What I mean is, I have a macro input which drives a series of drop down boxes. In debug mode my drop down boxes will not populate. Now I understand why, Alteryx doesn't know what the input is so it doesn't generate the meta data for the debug mode drop downs.

What I suggest Alteryx do is automatically convert your macro inputs for file browses for the purpose of debug mode (I had to do this myself manually and it was a tedious task, not only to set up but then maintain two separate versions, one essentially an application and one a macro).

Or, by default debug mode uses the macro input data to run through debug mode as.


9 - Comet

Hey Ben,

I've had a similar issue and posted a related idea which Alteryx, unfortunately, does not plan to implement.   However, there are some workarounds for your issue listed in my thread.


Check it out.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes