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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Right Click -> Create as Macro

When developing modules and looking to refactor/improve areas where tools should be placed into a macro (for re-use, or for module cleanliness), it would be nice if I could simply select all the tools that should be in the macro, right click, and have an option to "Create as Macro". The option would create a new module/macro, copy the tools to the canvas, and create the necessary macro inputs and outputs automatically. Additionally, the original module could be updated to replace the selected tools with the newly created macro.
7 - Meteor

This is exactly the type of thing I'm looking to do. Is there a solution? I'm jsut looking to bundle up a small workflow I've created into a macro to be shared out to my team for future use. 


Status changed to: Implemented

This suggestion has been implemented in the 21.2 release!


After a workflow has been run, and saved to disk, you can select a region of continuously-connected tools and right-click and select the 'Convert to Macro' option in the context menu. The macro will then be created in another tab, and inserted into the original workflow.


There are certain scenarios that are currently not supported in the first release, such as tools containing spatial data or the python tool.


Available for download here: