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Publish to Tableau Server Tool - show Server URL and Site

Screen Shots.JPG

I’m writing about a short-coming I see in the Publish to Tableau Server Tool v2.0 (PTTS).  I work in a development environment where we use different Tableau servers (i.e. development, test, production) to support product development.  One of the shortcomings of PTTS is that once the Tableau server information you are connecting to is entered, validated, and the tool is configured, you can no longer ‘see’ which Tableau server/site the tool is publishing to.  I think this piece of information is quite important.  I know I can always us the “Disconnect” button in the tool and re-enter the information so I know which server it is pointing to, but this defeats the purpose of entering that information in the tool in the first place.


Please consider an enhancement to the tool so we developers know at a glance where (server/site) the tool is publishing.  Project and Data source names are helpful, but in a development cycle, all Tableau servers may have the same Project and Data source names across all environments.


I've attached examples of the tool options when being defined and once the tool is configured – notice server URL and Site are aren’t displayed in the tool once it has been configured.


1 Comment
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @J010347 ,

the recently released Tableau Output tool shows this information on UI.

Screenshot 2021-09-14 at 15.26.31.png