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PDF Pre-Defined Field Output

One additional output that would be very useful is to enable output values to be placed into a PDF that has pre-defined fields that can be created by using the Forms tool in Adobe Acrobat. Our company uses Alteryx to prepare information that will be used in tax returns. Currently, the data that gets outputted, is then manually entered into PDF fields but I think there is an opportunity to have Alteryx do this for us. See the pictures below, I can create forms that can be defined as "Text1", and then my idea is to tell Alteryx that one specific field value, should be put into the PDF form "Text1".

Tax Return.JPGAlteryx Fields.JPGOutput.JPG

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

+1 to this idea!

7 - Meteor

It would be great to be able to read this type of file as well.

5 - Atom

This would be super helpful, currently our workaround involves either creating our own vba procedures (which from an updating/maintenance perspective limits the number of people willing to even understand how it works) or leveraging third party software.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Would love this to be a feature :)