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Optional Output Anchor for tools currently considered 'flow terminators' E.g. Output Data

The #bandofsolvers community has come up with many creative ways to determine if an 'output' action is complete before proceeding with next steps. However, what we really need is an optional output anchor added to (all?) tools in this class.


For example, currently if we need to Output Data to the same file 3 times, we have to put logic in place to make sure that the 3 updates happen in the correct sequence and do not interfere with each other. Or if we need to Render a file and perform additional modifications or file actions on that new file (e.g. ACL using icacls), we have to put checks in place to wait for the render to complete and make sure the file is freed by the write step.


However, if we could have at minimum an optional output anchor pass a Boolean flag indicating the 'output' class tool is complete, that would help tremendously! Even more helpful would be a xml/json object containing the tool configuration. Additionally, data/metadata 'pass-through' could be helpful in some situations as well.


I understand that this simple request could be significant change to the structure of the program, but throwing it out there for the 'Idea' space! 🙂

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Great idea!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes