Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Make control work when selecting multiple tools



When you left click + drag across the canvas you can select multiple tools. When you hold control and do this twice, the first selection gets deselected. The suggestion is to combine these selections into one. Much like when single selecting tools and holding down control, but for multi-selecting. Just a small QoL issue. 

Selection of blue box should be added to the already selected toolsSelection of blue box should be added to the already selected tools





13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

It seems like this should work, but sadly still doesn't. 


Hey @KylieF, I'm not sure who's currently PM for Designer UI right now, but this looks like a easy one to get onto their radar for the next release! 🙂

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes