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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Low-cost read-only licence for the Alteryx desktop designer.

Ther should be a low-cost read-only licence for the Alteryx desktop designer.

Read-only means: I can use the designer normally, but I cannot save workflows. So, for example, I can adjust the path in the Input Tool and follow exactly how the data goes through the workflow, I can even edit the workflow, but I can't save my changes.


Alteryx is a very high-priced product. An own licence is only worthwhile if I use Alteryx very often.

But many users do not want to design workflows themselves at the beginning, but perhaps just run specific workflows. These users are usually not provided with a licence by the management, but only those who have many use cases with Alteryx. In practice, however, these are usually those who are already Citizen Developers anyway.

With a read-only licence, you could provide these users with workflows, but at the same time give them the opportunity to take their first steps with Alteryx. Many will want to be able to save their changes and apply for a licence upgrade.
Note: with Alteryx Gallery Server  workflows can be made available for execution. But on the one hand there is no interactivity and on the other hand it is very time-consuming to make workflows available in a user-friendly way in the Gallery Server.

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Alteryx Community Team
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