Carlson Companies is moving to a Vertica environment and it would be great if that was supported with the In-database tools. That would definitely help and expand the use of Alteryx at our company!
I have Vertica in my list of platforms to review and consider for in-database. We haven't had much demand for it so far. I'd be interested how many of you in the community are on Vertica. Please post comments.
We have several users in our team who would benefit immensely by having in-database connectivity to Vertica. Vertica is the main database we have for day-to-day analytics and for production. We expect to see significant improvements in processing time especially since we do not have an alteryx server environment.
I have tested the in-database connectivty against SQL Server and found great benefits. Looking forward to this feature and this could potentially increase the tool usage in our team as well.
My team's productivity would benefit enormously from this idea. We use Vertica that is located in US but we run the queries from another country (Chile) that's why your queries/ programs take sometimes hours to complete. It woudl be one of the best add ons that could be incorporated in Alteryx
We have a new event-level (impressions, conversions, clicks, etc.) DB using Vertica. It would be beneficial if I could query this DB using the in-DB tools.