Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Enterprise-ready download for Alteryx tooling

As an admin - we currently need to download a large number of different binaries for every release; then package them for internal deployment; then send them out.

This creates unnecessary work for our admin teams, our packaging teams, our deployment teams etc.


This problem is becoming more acute now that Alteryx is shipping add-on tools via the public gallery - so our standard desktop designer can now require 10 or more separately packaged installs.


Can we please change the download experience to allow enterprise admins to:

- Select the components that they want in a standard download

     - This would allow for a menu selection across all the starter kits (e.g. Tableau; microsoft; qlik); the standard designer; the predictive

     - it would also allow for a menu selection across public gallery assets so that we can include things like the model comparison tool and other new predictive capabilities

     - the addins for Microsoft R Server

     - database drivers

     - Connect data loaders

     - Server components

- Given this set a name (like "Standard designer install") since in a large enterprise we will have several different configurations (some for super-users; some for standard users).    In our world we'd have "Standard Designer"; "Admin"; "Connect Controller"; "SuperUser" as our starting list.

- Then download one installer which is the aggregated set of these in one place 

- ... and finally allow the Admin to be notified when any component in the install set changes so that they can download the new version.



cc: @dataMack @AshwiniChezhiyan @LizaNemchynova @revathi

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Don't forget to add the "Save Usage Data" configuration setting so that the enterprise can get the telemetry data (Phone Home) information for internal usage.  This requires modification of everyone's config xml.





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That's a great point - so before we generate the package on the Alteryx site - add any custom config items like:

- Common Macro Paths

- Phone Home telemetry settings etc.


Good shout!

12 - Quasar
I feel this pain as well every time I get a new version packaged (going through that now for 2018.1) I really like the idea of a 'shopping cart' type experience from the licensing and downloads portal where we can pick the desired components, customized settings, etc., and generate a single set of binaries I can hand off to my packaging team.
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Great idea - this is massively needed, even with changes to the Alteryx public Gallery.

All Alteryx-supported connectors should be included by default, or at least much easier to install in bulk.