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Encryption of the output file (Data at rest)

Hi All,


Data security is very important nowadays. There is no encryption for the output file from Alteryx Designer. 

Imagine, anyone who has Alteryx designer can open any yxdb even with the sensitive data. 


Suggest to add an encryption option in the Output Data tool.


Best Regards,


11 - Bolide

+1, this would come in useful for enterprises

5 - Atom

Not sure how accurate i am (just registered) and a newbie here , but  does workflow encryption  not take care of the above. 


Workflows (including Analytic Apps and Macros) can be encrypted so that they can be run, but not opened and edited

8 - Asteroid

The goal would be to have the YXDB file have a setting to Encrypt the data table and provide, preferably the DES key as a separate file for decryption. This would ensure the YXDB when sitting in a rested state on a share drive would be fully protected and only available to those who have a copy of the key. 

11 - Bolide

+10, security (of data in transit) should be top priority for Alteryx !

7 - Meteor

Is there no way to encrypt data in-transit at the data connection level on the Gallery? When I connect to SQL via the Alteryx Gallery data connections can I specify data encryption in transit there? I've tried Trusted_Connection=yes; but that does not seem to work.

6 - Meteoroid

+1, this and encryption in transit will be very useful

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your feedback!


This idea has been reviewed by our product team and we've determined we're unable to include this idea in the near future road map. However our product team does like this idea and would like to keep it in mind for future decision making so we would like to review it again in the future. We'll do our best to update this idea again once that review has occurred.

11 - Bolide

+1 from me

5 - Atom

+1 from me