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Dynamic Select via Formula Option Embedded to Multi-Field Formula

Currently, Dynamic Select and Multi-Field Formula tools both have the option to select fields by type (like Numeric, String).


It is however not currently possible to select which fields will be selected by using a formula in the Multi-Field Formula tool.


Due to having to use at least two tools to select which fields I need and apply formula (optionally changing the data type),

- I first Dynamic Select the fields by the suffixes I have in the field name which specify the data type (like Name_String, Spends_Double)

- I then apply the Multi-Field Formula (at least trim the whitespaces from the fields due to working with CSV files containing fixed whitespace in fields) and change the data type if necessary,

- Finally, I Join Multiple the fields back using the RecordID field I previously added as a key.


This also changes the order of the data and there might be some scenarios where the user does not want the field order changed.


By embedding the Dynamic Select via Formula option to the Multi-Field Formula tool, it will become possible to select which fields will be subject to formula and (optionally) data type change in one tool as opposed to having to use many tools.