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Directory Tool: Empty Folders

Would like to see the Directory tool output results for folders that are empty.


My particular use case is requiring me to join a dataset with a file system directory and identify each dataset record's corresponding folder in a file directory. Each folder in that directory has subfolders that require a document to be located inside, and I'd like to be able to use the Directory tool to identify which subfolders are empty for which records.

7 - Meteor

@aquinta4: Did you ever manage to find the answer? 

7 - Meteor

I found a solution to this. 


Win command line below should do the magic, then the structure generated by the command can be cleared for the additional characters generated.


TREE /a C:\...\final_folder > output.txt




TREE actually takes quite a time if you would like to map a large size of a file. The below will do the work if you want to output of files with their full paths only and runs much faster.


DIR C:\...\final folder /B /S > output.txt



8 - Asteroid

I tried out the precedure of @martin-krejci and what was missing for me was a recursive way knowing that a folder on a higher level has no files all the way down to the lowest level. And then additionally I need to delete those empty directories.


I found the following free software that finds those empty directories and can delete them with a GUI. Quite nice, works out of box so I stopped trying to make it work in Alteryx.

8 - Asteroid is a great solution for this! Thanks for sharing @MPohlers 

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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes