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Addtition of "XOR" to operator in expression editor

In the current expression editor, XOR(exclusive logical sum) is not supported as an operator while AND & OR already exist, so I'd like to request to add XOR to an operator in expression editor.


Without XOR operator, when we want to use XOR conditional expression, it is like below expression; it looks a bit complicated so it's hard to tell condition is XOR at once.


As a workaround, I defined custom function XOR by myself, but this should not be permanent solution since when sharing workflow to others it doesn't make sense unless they also have custom function XML file in their computers as well.



I believe addition of XOR would help to have much readable code for tools with expression editor(e.g. formula, filter, etc).

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
13 - Pulsar

Love it ! Go Boolean !

Best regards,


5 - Atom

Yes please! basic logic is essential