
Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

We're closing in on the end of the year, and that means this is the last Community Highlights to be posted in 2020!

In Case You Missed It

*Community news & announcements.


Santalytics 2020 is here!


In case you've not seen the notification or the fancy new group hub, we're doing Santalytics a little differently this year, and you've still got plenty of time to participate!  Santalytics is coming to you this year as a Community App Challenge, so it's a chance to flex your skills related to analytic apps.  Check out the group hub for all the resources you need to get started (even if you're new at things). It's a fun opportunity to see what other community members come up with as well as learn some new skills.  There's even some ideas to get you started, but don't feel boxed in by those; let your creativity guide you! I also want to give a big shout out to those that have already submitted entries to the challenge (here's looking at you, @atcodedog05, @Spalders, @mbogusz, and @Aaron_Harter). Thanks for getting in there early! 


Community Competitiveness


We started a thread to address how community members feel about competition for likes and solutions in the community.  If you haven't seen it yet, go take a look.  There's a lot of thoughtful commentary on how things are working currently, and how we might be able to improve.  If you have thoughts, add them to the thread!  The community team is brainstorming how we can improve this aspect of the experience for all of you, and the more thoughts we get, the better.


Data Sharing Thread


OK, so this is technically not from November, but it's another really good discussion that I think the community would benefit from participating in.  @LeahK started a discussion about the community implementing a dedicated space for data sharing to help consolidate all the great work that you share in one place.  Check it out and weigh in with your opinions!


Nuts & Bolts

*Alteryx in Practice. Noteworthy Tips & Tricks, blog/KB Articles + other pearls of wisdom.


November brought holiday distractions and the temptation of winter hibernation. And yet our blogs rocked in November with exciting news and guides for expanding your Alteryx experience. 


The 2020.4 release brought new developments to enhance your solving with Alteryx, which included 13 ideas from the Alteryx Community, in @KylieF’s tally. (And not to be forgotten: @Jonathan-Sherman’s guide to cool stuff in the 2020.3 release!) Seven new ACEs joined the ranks of our Community superstars as well. Read all about these awesome folks in @TuvyL’s post. We also heard from new Alteryx CEO @MarkAnderson about his aspirations for the future of this award-winning organization. 


To make the most of your data, read @jeff-hernandez’s post about the exciting possibilities of the open-source package Compose for prediction engineering, developed at the Alteryx Innovation Labs. @SusanCS also offered a two-part series on market basket analysis, and some new (free!) ways to expand Designer’s data science capabilities with tools in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. 


And for a perfect segue into December, check out @cplewis90’s two blog posts introducing analytic apps! You’ll be prepared for Santalytics with your new analytic app skills. 

User Group News

*Find Your People, Build Your Network.


Alteryx User Groups around the world have been busy coordinating and hosting meetings all throughout November. We had a bunch of great use cases shared with some amazing presenters. But that’s not all! December still has plenty of opportunities to join a meeting. See below for list of meetings scheduled for the new few weeks. 



User Group 



Twin Cities, MN 


Sao Paulo 




Toronto, ON


Indianapolis, IN 


NA West 




New Jersey


NA Central


Culture & Events

*Immerse yourself in data and analytics culture.


I don’t know about you, but part of me wants to close 2020 with an accomplishment and part of me wants to close it out with something FUN. Luckily the November Alter Everything podcast episode themes fit both of these goals! 



In episode 74: I upskilled... now what?, we're joined by the Alteryx Talent Acquisition team to talk about what you should do after you’ve upskilled through programs like ADAPT, or have earned an Alteryx certification. They share tips on why you should showcase data literacy in your interview, how to leverage your network to foster career beneficial connections, and how to navigate negotiations like a pro. 




In episode 75: (Fun) analytics for all!, guest Chris McEleavey joins us from England for a discussion about if folks should or should not refer to themselves as “technical”, and why you shouldn’t hesitate to jump in and be active on the Community in order to best advance your Alteryx skills. 



Be sure to listen to all episodes of Alter Everything on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, and YouTube, or check out episode transcripts right here on Community 


Top Community Contributors

*Our members make community!


Now to close out this edition with some of our top community contributors.  As I mentioned earlier, we have a great discussion around community competition going, so this section may be changing a bit in the coming months.  However I still want to acknowledge everyone that is helping solve problems in the community, and this month it looks like our top three matched across both solutions and likes!


Top Solution Authors

Most Likes

Hang in there, we're almost to the end of this year.  As always, thanks to EVERYONE for being such a great part of the community!

Will Machin
Community Manager

Will runs community engagement programs for the Alteryx Community and wants to ensure that all members get the resources, activity, and information they need. He is always open to hear feedback and ideas and loves connecting with everyone in the community to strengthen relationships and build strong ties.

Will runs community engagement programs for the Alteryx Community and wants to ensure that all members get the resources, activity, and information they need. He is always open to hear feedback and ideas and loves connecting with everyone in the community to strengthen relationships and build strong ties.
