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Predictive Master Challenges

7 - Meteor

Hi all,

I have begun preparing for the Predictive Master cert. I have read the cert guide and found the material and links helpful. However, without a real sense of what the test will be like, I am just doing as many relevant weekly challenges as possible. The problem is, there are a ton of challenges and only 10 in the index marked predictive. There are no tags for things like clustering, grouping, logistic regression, forest, etc. Is it possible to make a thread with all of the challenges that fit the tools associated with the predictive master cert? Even challenges from outside sources like kaggle that might be helpful to work on? 



8 - Asteroid

Hi @aweiner Did you end up using any other resources? I'm going through the cert guide now

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I think the jump is pretty big before anyone takes Predictive Master. Not much materials are available to cover per se, and I've asked some who have taken the exam before. It's pretty hard and requires an adequate level of usage to fully get used to it.


I actually wrote an idea here:


cc @aweiner @Alayna would be great if you could support the idea by liking & commenting.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Thank you @caltang ! This will definitely be a great help to everyone and I'll share with my team!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @Alayna - much appreciated!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
14 - Magnetar

I did predictive master back in 2022, the guide and the data science learning path is what I used. Also made some of my own use cases to help me understand the tools better - but difficult to check if what you are doing is correct. Good luck with exam though
