Engine Works

Under the hood of Alteryx: tips, tricks and how-tos.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The 4th annual Alteryx Grand Prix was held on February 28, 2012 at the Alteryx Inspire Conference in downtown Denver, CO.


The Alteryx Grand Prix 2012 Edition was geared towards more applicable business applications than some of the years before.  The scenario was that each competitor was on the first day of a new job and they received an email from their new CEO requiring some data analysis of their restaurant business call ATSOS. From here the competitors were required to analyze the data, build a remarkable report and publish it to the Alteryx Private Cloud. Overall this touted the remarkable analytical ability of Alteryx 7.0 to take data and analyze it to the point of locating new store locations and then dispatching this with an in-depth report to a Private Cloud deployment so that it could be utilized by any personnel who needs concise and accurate data to make informative business decisions.



There were many additions to this year’s Grand Prix, including the ultimate data artisan T-Ryx who managed to complete tasks in record time although T-Ryx paid dearly for his excessive celebrations after completing many of the tasks. Another edition to 2012 was the hot seat which allowed any person to sign up for a single round in the Grand Prix.  Sign up was available through an Analytical App  and allowed a potential candidate to select which round they may prefer, one of the competitors in the Hot Seat managed to place in the top 3 for a round and win a prize. If you are interested in being a competitor next year we will be posting another sign up for both considerations as a competitor and as a hot seat driver closer to the event.


Our winner by 1 point was Justin Tischler from Intalytics, this was the closest race we have had for the event with the top 3 being separated by only 1 point.

The Alteryx Grand Prix questions and solutions can all be found here:



T-Ryx officially apologized for his behavior and promises to play a little fairer if we allow him back in.