Community FAQ

Review the Virtual Solutions Center (VSC) learning materials. 
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What is a knowledge base?
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Prove your skills and become Alteryx Certified
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Passwords, Emails, and Usernames  
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The Alteryx Analytics Gallery is moving to Community!
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Ranks and badges are two ways that you can gain recognition in the Alteryx Community.  Read into how they complement each other here!
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    Community Basics   Welcome to the Community Alteryx Community Guidelines Getting Started on Community Search the Community 7 Tips to make the most of your community experience Certification Policies Passwords, Emails, and Usernames  FAQs - User Ranks Alteryx Community Culture Index _____________________________________________________________   Posting Messages   Posting Messages How do I post on the Community? How do I respond to a message? Can I create "canned" or "boilerplate" responses? Finding Spam Notifying the Community Team   Posting for Fastest Possible Solution Q&A: Where Do I Post My Questions? Intro to Accepted Solutions & Likes Why Solutions and Likes Matter _____________________________________________________________   User Groups, Knowledge Base and Blogs   User Groups Knowledge Base Blogs _____________________________________________________________   Ideas   Ideas What are the idea boards? How do I post an idea on an idea board? How do I vote for an idea I like? Can I edit or delete my ideas' comments? How do I share an idea with friends? Can I subscribe to an idea? Product Idea Submission Guidelines   Idea Submission Guidelines _____________________________________________________________   Private Messaging   Private Messenger What is the Private Messenger? How do I send a private message? How do I delete a private message? What is my Friends List and how do I add people? What is my Ignore Users List and how do I add users to it? _____________________________________________________________   Case Portal   Alteryx Case Portal FAQ Customer Support Levels: Overview _____________________________________________________________   Settings   My Settings Personal Email Settings Personal Information Close Account Twitter Integration Preferences Privacy Private Messenger Avatars Macros Subscriptions & Notifications Subscriptions What is RSS and how do I use it? Notification Settings   Subscribing to Community Boards/Series Bookmarks  
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Welcome To our Community The Alteryx Community was created to provide a place for members or participants to search for information, read and post about topics of interest, and learn from each other. Depending on how the community is set up, you'll find: boards where you can post questions and answers BLOGS where you can read and comment on articles idea exchanges where you can suggest ways to improve products and vote for ideas that other community members have posted and more... Guests (unregistered visitors) can browse or search the community for information. Members (registered users) can post messages or comments, track discussions, and get email notifications on posting activity and other community actions.       What is my role and responsibility in the community? You are essential to the community, even if all you ever do is read messages or articles that someone else has posted. Communities offer all kinds of contributions: posting questions and sharing answers, leaving comments on blog articles or ideas, voting for ideas you like, or just searching for answers to your questions. We encourage you to visit often and participate. Ask your toughest questions. Chances are someone has a solution or can point you in the right direction. If you find a solution that works, let others know and pass on your own tips and insights. You might just have the answer someone else needs. Remember to thank community members who have helped you. Show your appreciation by giving likes to helpful posts, accepting a solution that answers your question, or posting thank-you replies. We want the community to be appropriate, friendly, informative, and fun for everyone. Be sure to read the Community Terms of Service and the community's Guidelines so that you know what to expect and what is expected of you when you're here.
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A quick overview on how to post questions on the Alteryx Community.
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Learn more about our Community member rank structure! 
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Find out how to keep working with your current commercial installation while at the same time evaluating pre-release versions of Alteryx Designer.
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During testing of Alteryx's new beta program it was discovered that for some users a timing related unexpected behavior could occur during onboarding.  The end result is that until the current browser session is ended or internet cache is cleared, users will see an unresponsive screen with this error message:  'The page you are attempting to access is unavailable'.    This behavior is not expected to affect many users, but on the offhand chance you experience it, the known workflow to reproduce and corresponding workaround are described below.   Sign in/Sign up at Figure 1 - Sign in/Sign up   Sign Up - Validate Your Email Sign Up – Create an Account Figure 2 – Create an Account   Accept License Agreement Figure 3 – Accept Beta Testing Agreement   Fill Out User Profile Info Figure 4 – User Profile Info   Wait for Approval Figure 5 – Hang tight!   Check Your Email and click the link: Figure 6 – Email Welcome to Project   NOTE: If you haven’t left your browser session, You’ll see this error message, I’m assured by Centercode that this is normal and usually wont impact users.  The issue is that new permissions/roles/teams are assigned upon login to Centercode.  Since you haven’t left your session, you need to establish a new connection.  You can either 1 of 2 completely close and relaunch your web browser, or 2 of 2 clear your internet cache/cookies in Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) to continue.  Details for 2 are in figure 8 below : Figure 7 – uh oh!   NOTE: To Clear Browser history in Chrome I just chose these options: Figure 8 – Clear your cache (last 24 hours should be fine)   Click to join the Beta Program you’re interested in: Figure 9 – Back to Normal!   Start Testing!!!   Figure 10 – You're Beta Testing Now!
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