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During testing of Alteryx's new beta program it was discovered that for some users a timing related unexpected behavior could occur during onboarding.  The end result is that until the current browser session is ended or internet cache is cleared, users will see an unresponsive screen with this error message:  'The page you are attempting to access is unavailable'.    This behavior is not expected to affect many users, but on the offhand chance you experience it, the known workflow to reproduce and corresponding workaround are described below.   Sign in/Sign up at Figure 1 - Sign in/Sign up   Sign Up - Validate Your Email Sign Up – Create an Account Figure 2 – Create an Account   Accept License Agreement Figure 3 – Accept Beta Testing Agreement   Fill Out User Profile Info Figure 4 – User Profile Info   Wait for Approval Figure 5 – Hang tight!   Check Your Email and click the link: Figure 6 – Email Welcome to Project   NOTE: If you haven’t left your browser session, You’ll see this error message, I’m assured by Centercode that this is normal and usually wont impact users.  The issue is that new permissions/roles/teams are assigned upon login to Centercode.  Since you haven’t left your session, you need to establish a new connection.  You can either 1 of 2 completely close and relaunch your web browser, or 2 of 2 clear your internet cache/cookies in Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) to continue.  Details for 2 are in figure 8 below : Figure 7 – uh oh!   NOTE: To Clear Browser history in Chrome I just chose these options: Figure 8 – Clear your cache (last 24 hours should be fine)   Click to join the Beta Program you’re interested in: Figure 9 – Back to Normal!   Start Testing!!!   Figure 10 – You're Beta Testing Now!
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