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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Bruce Johnson, Director of Business Development at Teradata, and Jim Schatting, Director of Sales Engineering at Alteryx, did a deep dive presentation on the integration of Alteryx and Teradata. They showed use cases in a number of industries, and did a demonstration that consisted of:


  •  Bringing unstructured information into Hadoop
  •  Turning unstructured information into structured information. Bill Franks gave an example of this in his session – taking an unstructured image of a fingerprint, plotting a polygon against it, and then storing that structured data for a fingerprint comparison database.
  •  Business users in Alteryx building analytical workflows with a graphical user interface, and then run the resulting SQL code against Teradata Aster.


The session prompted a great discussion about the scalability and reliability of content. Some great proof points showing retail queries moving from 4 hours to 4 minutes, while increasing to a broader data set, really wowed the audience.

Check out some of our Inspire 2013 Blogs:


Brian Dirking

Director of Product Marketing.