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SharePoint List Output: An error occurred while writing record. Record was partly written.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hello everyone,


I am trying to upload an excel file with 2086 rows and 118 columns using a SharePoint List Output tool with "Delete List and Append". It is definitely connecting to the SharePoint because all of the data is being deleted. However, it is not uploading a single cell, and this error occurs: "Error: SharePoint List Output (3): An error occurred while writing record. Record was partially written. Check List in SharePoint." Any thoughts on what could be causing this?


We made sure the data types all matched up using a Select tool. We also tried doing the same uploading with only 1 column and 100 rows and the same error occurred. It only didn't occur when we had 1 column and 2 rows of data.


Please let me know if you need any more information, and have a great day!


Best Regards,


6 - Meteoroid

Hi all - 


I agree that it does not appear to be a size issue, but rather a dropped connection or timeout issue between the tool and Sharepoint.  The batch macro did not work for me, I got the same error.  The only workaround that worked was to upload 10 records at a time using a series of block until done tools.  Very ugly, but it works.  I am running Designer desktop with scheduler, so I ran the job off hours, and shut down all other apps, like Outlook and Sametime.


BTW, updates run fine, it is just the appends that fail for me.  I also think that it might have something to do with Sharepoint, as it seems to have started all at once, and I think it is happening on different versions of Alteryx.


Just my latest two cents.



5 - Atom

Hi Dave, 


Would you mind posting screenshots of how you configured this? Also the settings you used to only upload 10 records at a time?


I am running into the same issue but have not used the block until done tool before. 




6 - Meteoroid

Andrea - 


I can't do screen shots this morning, but I can describe the process, which is easy.


1. Use the Record ID tool to assign a unique id to each row.

2. Use the Block Until Done tool. Off each branch use:

3. Filter tool to pass 10 records at a time

4. Sharepoint output tool. You can use Delete/Append or Append.  


You will end up with a number of Sharepoint output tools, all of which make the connection to Sharepoint as you are writing the workflow.  This can get really slow, so use containers to disable the output as you go.  You can string Block Until Done tools together.


If you are running from a desktop, it helps to turn off email, IM, etc.  


Good luck



5 - Atom


This is how I set up my workflow. The list is updating in SharePoint but is still giving me the error on each node. There are a few fields which exceed the 255 character limit but they aren't in the first 10 records. Confused why I am seeing the error at every node. Have you encountered this error?

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, but I scheduled the job to run off hours when there was less network traffic, and it ran fine.  I was able to post 400+ records.  I also completely deleted the existing list first by running a delete and update with one record and then manually deleting the record.



5 - Atom

Has there been any resolution to this issue? I am having the same issue with my process not appending all the records to the SharePoint online list.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

There hasn't been any resolution beyond what has been discussed so far. Hopefully Alteryx sees this and might have insight into some fixes in later Designer updates!

8 - Asteroid

Bump, I am also getting this error,


It is weird though my workflow ran fine for a couple of weeks with no significant variation to size/count of records, now i get this error two days in a row...

5 - Atom

I had the same issue and was able to get past this issue.  upon investigating, i noticed the write back always failed on the 26th record of my table.  while checking the 26th record, i noticed it broke field requirements on my table (i.e. I was writing a user to a people field and the user did not exist).  this caused a write failure in the table and stopped additional records with the same error.


I fixed this by doing additional lookups before writing the data to remove bad lines.


Hope this helps everyone (and was coherent).  Thanks for your time.

7 - Meteor

I am having the same issue with sharepoint. Any update on this issue?I am dealing with lots of rows and it keeps failing


Here is my workflow






Please provide steps how to run this through blocks
