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Stop Workflow if even one conversion error occurs

7 - Meteor

I have a workflow that uses some very messy input requiring lots of data wrangling.  It is possible that the input format/contents change causing a data conversion error.  This error indicates to me that I need to review the new input scenario.


I have the runtime settings configured to limit conversion errors with max errors per location as 1.  However, per the output log, it appears the script DOES NOT stop when just 1 conversion error is encountered. 


I can monitor for this via an email after the script runs, but this does not prevent possible inaccurate output from the workflow encountering the error.  


Any ideas? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This makes sense - conversion errors will not stop the workflow from running. So I would attempt using the Test or Message tool to essentially create an error when this conversion error happens (i.e. values become null or something like that), and then use the "Cancel Running Workflow on Error" setting in the Runtime tab of the Workflow Configuration

7 - Meteor

Thanks. I will try this suggestion. This is much more difficult than a runtime setting because I have to build in checks everyplace where the error might occur.  At least 10 for this use case.   I was hoping this setting would allow me to make a conversion error act as a "hard" error anywhere it occurs in the workflow. 



