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SharePoint List Output: An error occurred while writing record. Record was partly written.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hello everyone,


I am trying to upload an excel file with 2086 rows and 118 columns using a SharePoint List Output tool with "Delete List and Append". It is definitely connecting to the SharePoint because all of the data is being deleted. However, it is not uploading a single cell, and this error occurs: "Error: SharePoint List Output (3): An error occurred while writing record. Record was partially written. Check List in SharePoint." Any thoughts on what could be causing this?


We made sure the data types all matched up using a Select tool. We also tried doing the same uploading with only 1 column and 100 rows and the same error occurred. It only didn't occur when we had 1 column and 2 rows of data.


Please let me know if you need any more information, and have a great day!


Best Regards,


6 - Meteoroid

I am getting the same error, this is new.  Thanks



6 - Meteoroid

I was able to clear this by running a small batch of records through Block Until Done.  I was then able to successfully Delete/Append my entire file.


A big thank you to Angie Ogle from Alteryx, who helped me with this.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I am glad it worked for you! Unfortunately the same error occurred today when Angie and I tried tackling the situation. I will update this thread if there are any new developments. :)


Best Regards,

Alex Abi-Najm

6 - Meteoroid

Alex - 


I thought  was out of the woods, but the problem started happening again.  It is intermittent, however, and errors out at different volumes.


Please keep me posted, and I will do the same for you.





5 - Atom

I'm facing the same issue now. Is there any solution to this @daveowens11?



@daveowens11 wrote:

Alex - 


I thought  was out of the woods, but the problem started happening again.  It is intermittent, however, and errors out at different volumes.


Please keep me posted, and I will do the same for you.






6 - Meteoroid

Not yet.  One of our guys is still working with Alteryx CS, and provided log files this week, so I will post here if anything changes.  



11 - Bolide

Following ... I've been hitting this error as well and it's driving me crazy ... :)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi all,


I troubleshot with Alteryx Support and here is where we left off (see below). In sum, a batch macro might help because if the data set is too large, it won't work. Hopefully this helps!


Best Regards,




Hi Alex,

Thanks for the trace. This definitely includes what we're looking for!

I believe I see the issue here, and it's possible that it might be something in the tool itself. We're seeing a POST to the SharePoint SOAP API at around ~20MB in size. From my research on your Fiddler trace, it seems that the SharePoint SOAP API is only allowing a maximum of ~2MB to be POST'ed at once.

I'll need to escalate this issue up with our development team to see if this is an issue with how the tool is handling data or if this is some sort of environmental setting in SharePoint that may be limited in your specific environment.

The only thought I have at the moment for a workaround would be to place the SharePoint Output tool inside of a batch macro and set it to batch a certain number of records at once (so we stay below this limit). Do we know if a small number of records has allowed this to function? The downside to this configuration is that the insert will likely take longer, but it should at least allow us to push the data.

11 - Bolide

Yes POST-ing to SP is super annoying and 2MB sounds about right from my prior research into SP update issues.


However, my current workflow fails on the 1st of only 11 records that have only 3 fields. That's no where near the 2MB limit. I am using the delete and load functionality, but it seems to write the first 3 records fine, but then fails after writing the 3rd field. So weird!
