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Multi-Field Binning Help

8 - Asteroid

I have a table that has the following fields; RecordID, LineOfBusiness, Year, PercentChange, ect.


I'm trying to add a field to group records 1 through 20. 1 = top 0 to 5% of PercentChange records for each Year+LineOfBusiness, 2 = top 5 to 10% of PercentChange records for each Year+LineOfBusiness,..., 20 = top 95 to 100% of PercentChange records for each Year+LineOfBusiness. I have tried to put together the workflow using a Multi-Field Binning tool but it's not working how I thought it would.  What's the best way to handle this?




19 - Altair

is your percentage a numeric/double field or is it string - ie .75 or 75%? Assuming the former - multi-field binning equal intervals - bins 20. Otherwise you have to first convert it to double (ie .75) - If i misunderstood you and want equal number of records and the values aren't scaled - you'd use equal number of records 20 bins.

8 - Asteroid

The PercentChange field is a double. I want 20 equal groups based on PercentChange for each combination of Year+LineOfBusiness. Does that make sense?

19 - Altair

sure - drop multi-field binning and add a tile tool - equal records - number of tiles 20 use percent as your sort column and then use groupings... multi-field binning doesn't support groupings AFAIK...
