Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

Find answers, ask questions, and share expertise about Alteryx Designer Desktop and Intelligence Suite.

Learning/New to Alteryx

5 - Atom

Hello, I am learning how to use Alteryx for one of my classes. So far I feel like it is user friendly and easy to navigate. I was wondering if anyone has any  specific tools they find useful or efficient?

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @msereno 


Nice to meet you 🙂.


Depending on the use-case/requirement we can help with what could be the best approach 🙂.


We have a bunch of enthusiastic folks among us on this Community and would be delighted to collaborate and learn from each other. Feel free to post a question you need any info, help or guidance.


Here are some resources to start of with. 


Happy to help 🙂


Cheers and happy analyzing 😀

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

hi @msereno 

Welcome to the community. Depending on the specific use cases, everyone will tend to use some tools more than others.

However, it is almost certain that any workflow will need the basic tools that are covered in the "Core certification exam".

Highly recommend that you explore the Interactive lessons and cover all the ones marked as "CORE" first.



8 - Asteroid

Hello @msereno 
welcome to the comunity
talking about a favorite tool is hard - it really depends on your use case, and your skill level
As the others have highlighted, the academy interactive lessons are a realy good place to start, but if the content there gets too "lesson" like, you might also want to check out the weekly challenges - real usecases, ranging from beginner friendly to pretty hardcore. If you go for the "Basic" tag, you should find some things that are solvable, and the solutions are posted one week after they're published - i like to go there to get some inspiration as to how things can be solved
Weekly Challenge Index & Welcome - Alteryx Community
