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Interface Date Tool Error

7 - Meteor

Can someone identify what's the mistake and how can I fix it. I am capturing date from 2 interface Date tool to replace a date in Formula tool. When I run as analytic app, I am getting error :-


Formula (76): The formula "Week Start " resulted in a number but the field is a Date/Time. (Expression #1)
Formula (76): The formula "Week End" resulted in a number but the field is a Date/Time. (Expression #2)




17 - Castor

Hey @Ben020283 - in your Replace a specific string: setup, you need to delete the single quotes so it's just 2023-10-05. Same in the [Week End] setup so it's only 2023-10-13.


At the minute, Alteryx will replace everything in this text box - including the single quotes as they're included in there. Therefore, if you were to select 2023-11-01, this would literally result in a subtraction of 2023-11-01 = 2011, hence a number and the error you see.


Long story short: delete the single quotes from the start and end of your Replace a specific string setup! :)

7 - Meteor

Thanks, It worked.
