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Drop down from excel column

7 - Meteor

I am a new user and have searched and read many post, but cannot seem to get a solution that works.

I have an excel list that I would like the user to select a value from a column. 

My sample excel data looks like:

Collector  Balance
Kermit      10.00
Grouch     20.00
Chef         1,000.00

I attached my test...I am getting all records even if I select just one when running as app.

If the user selects Kermit I would like the result to be only for Kermit.

Thank you for taking the time to review.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Ok, so try do this:


  1. replece sort tool by filter tool
  2. in filter select the collector field, equal and place something just to be a placeholder, can be only "a"
  3. link the action tool to the filter
  4. in action you put to replace the "a" value and will works


You're trying to use the sort, that tool just to sort of the records, to you get part of the records only, based in something, need to use filter tool.


Hope that helps!

7 - Meteor

Thank you!!!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Gbergero 


The reason why you would be getting blank is no value is matching


Basically in your previous app you were getting value Collector which you are not supposed to because Collector column doesnt have value collector. 


I made changed in crosstab tool and deselected Collector column. You will have only values. Now you will result.


Hope this helps 🙂





22 - Nova
22 - Nova

And yeah @marcusblackhill  point too you were using sort tool instead of filter tool before 
