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data validation

8 - Asteroid

I am using a Union tool and after that I am using filter tool.


But Only the data is filter out not the column names. Means no data should pass out from false.


if there is not data then how to stop the column names to pass from that data after using filter


17 - Castor
17 - Castor



Just to understand your problem better. Can you kindly advise me why you want to do this? 


Not having any data isn't sufficient for you?

8 - Asteroid

Because no data is passed but the column name is passed and it is throwing an error of parse error for unknown variable.



I am uploading two files one is going to true and one is going to false.

According to business condition If I am uploading only one file which is going to true but the column names is passed from false with no data because I am using Union tool before filter.


I want no data and no columns should pass from false.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Something like below after union should do it.

