Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

Share your Alteryx Analytics Cloud product ideas, including Designer Cloud, Intelligence Suite and more - we're listening!

Hi all,

I'm working through cloud quest 1 using the Alteryx Cloud Native experience - and it seems that there's an opportunity here to get rid of the need to know historical ways of working.


The example in this case is that there are 2 dates:

- 16-Jun-01

- 25-Dec-01


Now it seems that most people used either a RegEx or a DateTimeParse (which still uses the same specifiers since Alteryx 11 -   Additionally there doesn't seem to be a DateTimeParse tool in the platform yet in the CloudNative version.


However - given that we're living in the future now - it seems that it should be trivial to use a little AI to recognize that '16-Jun-01' is a date - and allow the user a right-click option to convert to a date.


Please can you consider doing a simpler method of cleaning up dates than forcing the user to remember the classic alteryx specifiers for dates since this is SUCH a common need