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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

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Currently in Alteryx Cloud we cannot create groups of users.

Having groups of users means that sharing of content would be much more manageable (currently if I want to share a workflow I need to share it with users individually).

The ability to create groups of users and share content with them would be:

  • More secure
    • tagging users individually makes it more likely to mistakenly include or exclude users
  • More user-friendly
    • rather than having to remember and then tag all N users, I can create a single group and tag that 
  • More unified
    • Alteryx Server, along with every other platform I can think of lets you create and manage groups of users. In fact it is always best practice to do so.



I love standards and ctrl+S is a pretty common on for the last four decades. Can we expect it to work also on Alteryx Designer Cloud please ? Even if it's in the browser, it seems possible since the guys at Dataiku managed to do it.
Best regards,


Hello all,

One of the great things of Alteryx Designer on-premise is that we can do a huge quantity of diverse tasks in the same canvas :

-classic data preparation


-machine learning
-spatial/geographic analysis,

-building apps and macros,
-etc, etc

And frankly, the feeling I have after testing the different cloud applications is that there are way too many silos between app, not real integration... it seems more like a patchwork than a real homogeneous platform.

Personnally, and I think it's true for any historical Alteryx user, I would have far preferred exactly the same experience that we have in Designer, being able to seamlessy going to cloud or to on-premise, etc and then, some improvements with the other module.

(And since I do love Alteryx, I must say I'm waaaay disappoited. probably as much that when I saw the first release of Qlik Sense in 2015)
Best regards,


Hello all,

Only one file format is supported by AutoML : csv. And we can't even choose the separator (not the same in the US and France).

Best regards,


Hello all,

Sometimes, you find some messy worklow and you want to make it clean



You can align manually the tools but it would be better to have the exact same function than on Alteryx Designer on-premise :



Best regards,



I have noticed the AACP is upgraded at a fast pace... however, I don't know when and now I discover the upgrade when I go sometimes on the Release Notes

So an email notifications with the changes would be appreciated.

Best regards,


Hello folks,

let's say it's my second greatest  deception so far! Alteryx on-premise is not perfect but it supports a lot of file format... and here, three file formats only, and three that are not performant or rich : xls, xlsx, csv


I won't make an idea by missing file format but the bare minimum seems at least to support the same file formats than on-premise (like yxdb, hyper, parquet,kml, etc...)

Best regards,


Hello all,

I would like to move the Tool Configuration to the left instead of the default right (and save this configuration for me). 2 reasons for that : 
1/ same experience than Designer on-premise
2/ less distance to do with the mouse
(also, if the tool palette could be movable upside.... would be great)

Best regards,


Hello all,

On Alteryx Designer, you have a star (asterik) after the workflow name when it's not saved. Would be nice to have the same feature in Cloud, that's an easy, standard way to get the information.


Best regards,



Correct me if I'm wrong but we can't export or import a workflow. That sounds a very easy and very useful function, especially when you develop something and want to share with others users.


Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 10.04 AM.PNG

Best regards,



Right now, there are a few filters available on the top of the window



Among the one Iwould like :
-status like status supported that would hide the "(Early Preview)".
-features (Import and Publish versus Import only)


On Alteryx Designer on-premise, we can set background and text color (and other settings...). It's very useful because it allows to have a color palette by functional or technical feature of the container. 


And as an example of the popularity of this color feature, this post on linkedin : 
Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 10.48 AM.PNG

Best regards,


I want to create a dynamic output file name in both the Trifacta UI and New Designer Cloud UI. I know that I can create a timestamp or a parameter, but it seems like the parameterization in Trifacta is static. Instead of having to manually override the parameter every run, I am wanting to grab the desired filename from a field in the dataset. This is a functionality commonly used in Desktop Designer, so I'm hoping for it to be added to the Cloud soon!

Users have asked for the ability to create new versions of recipes so that they can collaborate safely. Also there is a need to keep an audit history of changes. Trifacta has recipe level history but that does not fulfil the whole use case of version control. 

When our users request for productionizing a request, we require that users share their flow with our Data Engineering and Data Operations team. Currently sharing with individuals is working, but you have to remember to put everyone's name in there. It would be nice if you could enter a GCP Group name that contains the users so they only have to remember one user.


I need to store many variable RegEx in column to use it in MATCHES function (for example).

But Dataprep doesn't currently support a column as an input in a way that the pattern inside it is read as an actual regular expression.

I think this feature could be a great feature !


more informations about this cese :

Currently, when a recipe is copied, any data qualities within the original recipe are not duplicated in the copied version. In order to implement a systematic data quality program, the rules must be manually created for every single recipe, which obviously takes a lot of time. It would be great if the data quality rules could persist when the recipe is copied.

At the moment, long formulas are very difficult to read because they cannot be "beautified". Instead of allowing for multi-line text and indentation, our formulas are in a single-line, wrapped textbox. It would be very helpful if Trifacta supported "beautification-enabled" textboxes for formulas so that we can write formulas that are easy to read and understand.

Currently you have one top level folder. In order to keep flows and other objects organized it would be nice to create folders within folders. For example create a top folder called "Sales Data" and a subfolder called "Sales Pipeline Data".

When migrating flows from one environment to another, currently one must click on each flow to export it, and then import it into another environment. It would be great to do so in bulk by ticking a bunch of flows to export. Or do it by exporting an entire folder. Or do it by exporting a plan.