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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

Share your Alteryx Analytics Cloud product ideas, including Designer Cloud, Intelligence Suite and more - we're listening!

Hello all,

Sometimes, you find some messy worklow and you want to make it clean



You can align manually the tools but it would be better to have the exact same function than on Alteryx Designer on-premise :



Best regards,


Hello all,

One of the great things of Alteryx Designer on-premise is that we can do a huge quantity of diverse tasks in the same canvas :

-classic data preparation


-machine learning
-spatial/geographic analysis,

-building apps and macros,
-etc, etc

And frankly, the feeling I have after testing the different cloud applications is that there are way too many silos between app, not real integration... it seems more like a patchwork than a real homogeneous platform.

Personnally, and I think it's true for any historical Alteryx user, I would have far preferred exactly the same experience that we have in Designer, being able to seamlessy going to cloud or to on-premise, etc and then, some improvements with the other module.

(And since I do love Alteryx, I must say I'm waaaay disappoited. probably as much that when I saw the first release of Qlik Sense in 2015)
Best regards,


Hello all,

Only one file format is supported by AutoML : csv. And we can't even choose the separator (not the same in the US and France).

Best regards,



Correct me if I'm wrong but we can't export or import a workflow. That sounds a very easy and very useful function, especially when you develop something and want to share with others users.


Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 10.04 AM.PNG

Best regards,


Hello all,

On Alteryx Designer, you have a star (asterik) after the workflow name when it's not saved. Would be nice to have the same feature in Cloud, that's an easy, standard way to get the information.


Best regards,


Hello all,

I would like to move the Tool Configuration to the left instead of the default right (and save this configuration for me). 2 reasons for that : 
1/ same experience than Designer on-premise
2/ less distance to do with the mouse
(also, if the tool palette could be movable upside.... would be great)

Best regards,



In a large enterprise, one of the perennial challenges is to manage changes to data over time.    The industry is moving towards a shift-left philosophy to handle this by starting to think about data contracts and contract testing.


What does this mean for Alteryx?

Well - if you look at the strategy that DBT is following, each workflow has a defined entry data contract, and a defined exit data contract - so that if anything changes you can immediately tell if you are going to break someone else's work.    This also sets you up for lineage in an important way - if you build in field and data-set level lineage from day zero - then you can look across an enterprise and answer questions like:

- If I remove this field - who will I impact downstream (e.g. other Alteryx users; Tableau dashboards etc)

- Who is using my data - so that I can talk to them about their data needs?    Who do I need to tell if my workflow fails

- has someone upstream of me changed their flow in a way that breaks me?

- Where does this field come from - looking across a series of flows and transformations (critical for regulatory requirements).


This kind of thinking is hard to add in afterwards - so it would be good to build this into the product in these early days so that this becomes a key foundational piece.



Hi all,

I'm working through cloud quest 1 using the Alteryx Cloud Native experience - and it seems that there's an opportunity here to get rid of the need to know historical ways of working.


The example in this case is that there are 2 dates:

- 16-Jun-01

- 25-Dec-01


Now it seems that most people used either a RegEx or a DateTimeParse (which still uses the same specifiers since Alteryx 11 -   Additionally there doesn't seem to be a DateTimeParse tool in the platform yet in the CloudNative version.


However - given that we're living in the future now - it seems that it should be trivial to use a little AI to recognize that '16-Jun-01' is a date - and allow the user a right-click option to convert to a date.


Please can you consider doing a simpler method of cleaning up dates than forcing the user to remember the classic alteryx specifiers for dates since this is SUCH a common need


When people ask what's so great about designer desktop, one of the simple things I mention is the record count. I think this would be a great addition to designer cloud. As an example, here's a pointless workflow in designer cloud:


Seems ok, but here's the same thing in desktop:



By just looking at the picture, you can see that I messed up my join and my 780 records have ballooned to 608,400. I can also see that I didn't have any unjoined records pretty easily. Designer cloud has this record count information when you click on each tool, but I think they should display the counts on the canvas like desktop. 



Hi all,

When using the Sharepoint connector, using the Sites.Read.All permission on Service Principal does violate customer corporate security measures. The customer is requesting to implement certificate-based authentication for SharePoint Files. See ticket 00683632 for more information.
