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About the Core Exam Certification

5 - Atom

Hi Everybody!


 I am currently studying for the Core Certification. I took one attempt last week and failed. Now I am studying based on the results saying what I have missed from the last exam. Is that there will be similar types of questions if you retake the exam or would it be a completely different set of questions. And do you have any recommendations about what to focus on while studying for the exam?


Thank you.

6 - Meteoroid

Hey Yennguyen134,


So according to the FAQ (on the bottom of the page) there is a test bank, so you may see some of the same questions, but others will change.



The study guide link is below, but after you too the exam the first time you should have received %s based on the areas of focus.  Using that information you can narrow where to study, I know I did!  There are also practice questions you can take on the academy.


Hope this was helpful, and good luck!
