Discussion thread for day 8 of the Advent of Code : https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/8
This is far too close to IntCode...
First part was straightforward; second part took a little longer to debug and get the Join correct at the end.
Looking at @jdunkerley79 and @T_Willins solutions, I may have overengineered my macro a bit!
Part 1:
Iterative Macro:
Part 2:
In the above batch macro, I used the same iterative macro from part 1, though I was not pleased with the performance results so am looking forward to looking through each of the other solutions to understand how I may have been able to do this more efficiently!
Nested iteratives... as @jdunkerley79 says... IntCode, this year I'm ready for you. Or not.
Nested iterative... as @jdunkerley79 says... this year I'm ready for the IntCode. Or not.
Not especially happy with my approach as it took a *long* time to solve part 2. Here it is anyway though
Very happy with mine, I managed to use append fields over joins which I think helped with performance and managed to keep tools to a minimum in the first macro. The second macro needed a few extra tools to exit its loop at the right point.