Discussion thread for day 13 of the Advent of Code : https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/13
Part 2 was hard! I don't know anything about the Chinese Remainder Theorem... And I wasn't finding any simpler solutions. So I cheated and read @dsmdavid 's solution! Brilliant! Somewhat embarrassed I didn't come up with that on my own. Anyway, I did it first in Excel and then in Alteryx as an iterative macro. So simple.
While I was headed the other direction I wrote a quick infinite precision multiply for Alteryx. Did anyone but me know the summarize tool already does infinite precision for fixed decimal sums!
Happy with my solution, I noodled on it all day before it finally hit me
EDIT: I think my logic is similar/the same as @dsmdavid
Number patterns. Thankfully they used all prime numbers. For part b it led to an iterative macro inside of an iterative macro, an iterative-ception, a dweam within a dweam...
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