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hbr-2015-370x208.pngHarvard Business Review Analytic Services just released Data Blending: A Power Method for Faster, Easier Decisions which is a study based on the results of polling over 500 business leaders and executives from over 15 different industry sectors. This report highlights many of the key values that data blending can bring organizations of all sizes. It discusses the continued rise in the number of data sources that organizations are faced with and will be faced with in the future. It also confirms what many in the analytics space deal with on a daily basis - that analysts are forced to rely on others in IT or a data scientist to get the answers they need. Or in many cases they are still working with tools that weren’t built for dealing with today’s data volumes and types.


What is amazing is that 33% of those surveyed are using 5 to 9 different data sources and 29% believe that their data sources will increase substantially over the next two years. Dealing with that much data, it can be impossible to do in spreadsheets, so having to rely on IT or a data scientist to help make sense of that data has been necessary in the past. These are perfect examples of where data blending can help, as it empowers analysts to become more self-reliant and deliver analytics results on multiple sources of data on their own.


This is confirmed throughout the report as you hear from organizations like The Home Depot and Belk that discuss how data blending has allowed them to become more strategic, and improve business decisions and processes along the way. It is amazing to see how data blending continues to make an impact throughout organizations, regardless of their size.


To find out more information from this study and how your organization can benefit from data blending, click here to download it.

Matthew Madden
Director, Product Marketing

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.