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Hey there, data enthusiasts! It's official: 2023 is the year of the Alteryx Cloud, and we're thrilled to announce our latest release, 2023.1, is enterprise-ready and cloud-friendly! 


If you haven't heard, we released the unified Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform in February, and now we're thrilled to offer the newest version of the Alteryx Designer and Server portfolio that is cloud-connected. With our latest release, we're focusing on three key areas:  

  • Capture more enterprise use cases 
  • Manage workflows within your IT ecosystems, and  
  • Ensure secure and governed access to more data than ever before 


But that's not all--we're also introducing a new series of Enterprise Utilities specifically designed to maximize Alteryx's enterprise-grade capabilities. With these kits, you can streamline your data analytics processes, minimize errors, and reduce your time-to-insights. 


And the best part? We're just getting started. This summer, we're set to release Cloud Execution for Desktop - a bridge to the cloud that unifies your Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform experience. This game-changing capability will empower you to access, manage, and analyze your data from anywhere, at any time. 


Keep reading to learn how these capabilities can help you make decisions at scale. 


Upgrade to 2023.1 Today 


Capture More Enterprise Use Cases 


Experience MORE control with Control Containers  


The most popular Community request of all time is here: Control Containers! Solve more sophisticated data and business problems by leveraging the new (AMP-only) Developer tool in Designer. By sequencing Control Containers together, you gain more control over the order of execution in a  workflow, along with other advanced capabilities like conditional execution and the ability to use logging messages as data in a workflow. 


Manage your Workflows with More Flexibility and Control 


Because your feedback and ideas matter to our innovation work; look at some of the latest features we made available in 23.1 that were suggested by you: 


Formula Functions


Perform common data transformations even faster with some of our new formula functions, such as BETWEEN.

 23.1 Designer New Formula (1).png


23.1 Designer New Formula (2).png


Precision DateTime 


Little details can matter a lot. Now you can monitor IoT or financial trading transactions or set appropriate precision, such as milliseconds or even nanoseconds in the DateTime field. 


23.1 Designer DateTime(2).png


23.1 Designer DateTime(1).png


Unlock New Use Cases with New Text Mining in Alteryx Intelligence Suite  


23.1 delivers a new Text Classification tool to enable you to train a custom model that classifies text. This could be used to categorize customer requests to enable routing to appropriate business departments or even fixed asset positions by tax rate pools. But we love hearing how you’re using our tools too! 


23.1 AIS.jpg


Manage Workflows within Your IT Ecosystem 


The team here has been working hard to develop new tools and capabilities to streamline your workflows, enhance productivity, and optimize your IT ecosystem, allowing you to focus on what matters most. 


Automate your Alteryx Server Processes with additional API Support 


Alteryx Server has new APIs in 23.1 to reduce manual administration tasks. Easily add and remove AD groups to Alteryx Server User Groups and upload new versions of existing workflows 


We’ve also reduced the burden on the administrators by adding an officially supported Server API macro* that can be used in Designer to build out your Server administration processes. 


Unlock Productivity with Enterprise Utilities* 


Ready to take your Alteryx experience to the next level? Complete tasks with greater efficiency with our robust and sophisticated Phase I of Enterprise Utilities. Enterprise Utilities allow you to deploy and deliver immediate results quickly. They offer organizations two powerful features enabling the efficient deployment of Alteryx at scale, resulting in faster time to value and risk reduction in mind.   


  • Customer Managed Telemetry Enterprise Utility augments an organization’s ability to collect and record usage data, meeting requirements for data production and internal usage analysis. 
  • Workflow Migration Enterprise Utility empowers you to seamlessly migrate workflows across multiple Alteryx Server environments, enabling more effective lifecycle management of all workflows across domains. 
  • Coming soon: To streamline managing your workflows, we will add a new Git Macro functionality that offers automated commit capabilities. This eliminates the need to switch to third-party software to finalize your commit changes, as everything can now be completed within Alteryx. 


Administer Alteryx Workflows at Scale*  


Administer Alteryx workflows at scale with the new Workflow Admin Manager (WAM) in partnership with Capitalize 


WAM integrates with the Alteryx APIs and MongoDB to provide automated documentation, reporting, and monitoring of any number of workflows. It provides configurable reports and the ability to search across workflows for data sources, queries, usage, formulas, filters, and more. WAM also provides advanced migration, version control, scheduling, and orchestration of workflows. You can now purchase the add-on directly from Alteryx. 


Connecting to More Data, Securely & Governed 


Data Connectivity and Authentication 


2023.1 continues to enable you to connect to your data securely and efficiently in whichever method you use in your enterprise organizations. We know you were super excited about External Vaults support, so 2023.1 delivers an additional option – AWS Secrets Manager! Another option is when connecting to your Data Connection Manager (DCM) credentials. 


Alteryx is also expanding into connecting into the Data Virtualization space with connectors for Denodo to allow you to query and analyze distributed data as if it were in a single, integrated data source, making it easy for you to deliver information faster and increase your productivity. 


Unlock Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) data with Alteryx* 


Accessing and analyzing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) data today can be difficult, expensive, and non-compliant with an organization’s IT security and governance policy. Alteryx worked with technology partners Theobald and Casabase to resell their enterprise-grade connector solutions for SAP and Oracle Fusion Cloud. This allows you to run analysis more efficiently on ERP data in a process approved by IT departments. 


*Delivered outside of the 2023.1 release. This allows you to access the latest tools and improvements as soon as they become available. 


Coming Your Way  


Coming this Summer: Connecting Designer Users to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform 


Get ready for a summer like no other with our latest release - Cloud Execution for Desktop. Designed to take your data analytics experience to new heights, this powerful capability empowers you to connect from Designer to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. 


Imagine having the freedom to save, run, and schedule your Designer-built workflows in the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform - from anywhere, at any time. With Cloud Execution for Desktop, you'll be able to do just that.  


And that's not all - Cloud Execution for Desktop is just the beginning of our hot cloud-connected summer. We're constantly working to enhance your experience, and we have a range of exciting new features in the pipeline that will make it even easier to access, manage, and analyze your data. 


Dark Mode Beta  


Phase I Beta version of Dark Mode is here in Alteryx Designer to improve readability and accessibility! Remember, this is a work in progress – look out for more Dark Mode features in future releases.  


Upgrade to 2023.1 Today 


We can’t wait to see what you build with these new capabilities. To read more about these new features, head over to Technical Documentation. We also love hearing your thoughts and suggestions! Please share your ideas on our Community Discussion Forums 


Want a sneak peek at what’s next?  


If you are a current customer, learn more about what new features we’re working on behind the scenes through our Public Preview Beta Program. You can now test all features in one Designer build and provide feedback directly to our Product team. 


Thank you, 


13 - Pulsar

Hello @JHendu 

My first impressions :
-The Control Container is THE life-changing feature of this release.
-On the deception side : not a single in-db improvement !!
-I have seen "Alteryx now supports the MS Access 2016 Runtime and the MS Access 365 Runtime for reading ACCDB files."

. Does this imply that is implemented?

Best regards,



Hey @simonaubert_bd - we are SO glad to hear that you are excited about Control Containers!! (We are too! 😁


As for In-DB, it might not have been super clear in this post, but we have added Denodo In-DB support now as an enhancement in our 23.1 offering... I know we have users who have been looking forward to being able to more easily connect to Denodo views (in both regular and In-DB tools) for a while now.


And finally, regarding Access 2016, yes we do officially support Access 2016 now so would love to confirm you're now seeing this behavior work as expected when dealing with large integers. It does take our Product teams some time to go through and update the various ideas in our releases, keep in mind, so you'll likely still continue to see idea statuses updated in Community over the next few weeks... after all, most of us are now running around putting all the finishing touches on our Inspire plans for next week!!


Onward to even more incredible Alteryx fun!! 


Cheers - and thanks for your thoughtful feedback as always, @simonaubert_bd 😊



13 - Pulsar

@NicoleJ  Yes, the number of supported databases for in-db increased but not the features. When you're a Apache Hive user, there has been no new features like maybe 2018 despite a huge user and partner traction.

As you saw, I also answered you for Access on the dedicated topic and to sum it up, the hard part is now delivered, great news !

I have read in the server release notes that there is a UI redesign. Will it be explain by another blog post ? And if not, could we have a few screenshots ?

Best regards,


5 - Atom

Hello @JHendu ,


I am exited on the workflow migration part mostly. I tried that but , I am seeing that  serverapitool.yxmc macro is missing.




Can you please guide here, may be I am missing anything?



Best Regards,



Hi, @MN_Raghavendra. The Workflow Migration stored in the portal was originally built with the ServerAPI v1.0. While we are working on updating the package to include the corresponding tool, there is a way to fix your workflow if you have a newer ServerAPI Tool installed.

  1. Check what version of the ServerAPI tool you have installed:
    1. drag the ServerAPI tool icon on the canvas and right-click to see the folder name for the tool
    2. check tool folder if installed as admin: C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools
    3. check tool folder if installed as user: C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools
  2. Open the Workflow Migration Utility in Notepad (or VS Code, Notepad++, etc)
  3. Find/Replace - find: "ServerAPI_1_0", replace with: "ServerAPI_1_2" (or whatever version you have installed)
  4. Save the yxmd and re-open in designer to see the tool icons in place.

Note - The above process can be used to replace versions of other tools and macros in general, with a few exceptions.


Hopefully, that helps. 


7 - Meteor

@JHendu  Does this this tool actually exist and function? Is there associated documentation?

The Alteryx Support team is telling me to do it the old way of downloading it from Sandbox and saving again in Production environments. 

  • Workflow Migration-  Enterprise Utility empowers you to seamlessly migrate workflows across multiple Alteryx Server environments, enabling more effective lifecycle management of all workflows across domains. 

Hi @VernOfVrain,

It is available, but a separate download, which can be found here ->