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users not appearing in gallery

8 - Asteroid

hi folks


we have two new members of our team who need to use ServerGallery


they went to the url, same as everyone else, but we don't see them as users


(for info the authentication we use "Integrated Windows authentication" so i cant add them as users by hand)


any ideas out there?


thanks ianjonna





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @ianjohnston ,


Are they able to access and use the Gallery with no issues?


The search function has some issues, so try finding them by navigating through the user page if you haven`t done that yet.

If that is not the case, access the users' page and then check the gallery logs for any issues. Maybe a weird character in their names could make them not appear.



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

hi fernando


thanks for getting back to me


neither of the users could even get as far as their landing page, but this is something i will double-triple check with them after the weekend


also their email address are all "normal"


I will keep you posted when i hear back from them on monday





