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"Free" data storage for Power BI

7 - Meteor

Hi all, 


I am trying to set up an Alteryx workflow and it runs like a charm on my laptop to transform the data into necessary output (CSV) to be used as data source for Power BI. However, now I need to schedule this workflow to run from the gallery automatically. What I am looking is to find the best output type/data storage that Alteryx can access from the gallery and Power BI can pick it up. I don't have access to SQL servers, I can't manage to connect to specific SharePoint and having trouble with OneDrive tool on the gallery. Not sure with MS Access, if it's stored on my laptop it can't be reached when my laptop is off from both Alteryx and Power BI, right? I can't manage to connect to Smartsheets as well and frankly I don't trust it. 


What would you recommend to use as data storage for scheduled workflows considering I don't have access to SQL server (each one costs a lot and since this is POC my company will not invest for now).

7 - Meteor

Are you using the paid version of Power Bi or the free desktop version?


If you have office 365 one drive is probably the way to go. Make sure your IT Admin doesnt have it blocked on the back end. 



7 - Meteor

Thanks for your reply @Accrual 

I am using paid one. 


I tried OneDrive and it works fine when running from my laptop but I am getting an issues when trying to upload it to gallery. 

7 - Meteor

Does your company have a Virtual Machine that you could install Alteryx on and run 24/7? I know several people who do that in industry, in addition to people who just buy another computer all together. I know its not what you are looking for, but they somewhat of alternative.


I don't know about the gallery thing, would have to research it more. Most likely an API issue etc.

7 - Meteor

Just remembered what I was going to suggest, brain is all over the place.


If you are using Power Bi you could use their connectors to your data sources and use DAX to clean and transform. Again what you are probably not looking for as you want to use Alteryx. 

7 - Meteor

Thanks @Accrual I do need Alteryx for spatial matching, this is difficult within Power BI