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What are steps when migrating to a new Windows Server

8 - Asteroid

Good day Alteryx buddies


We are planning a migration to a new Windows Server (probably to Windows2012) and, of course, we'll need to do some flavour of re-install of AlteryxServer on the new Windows box. There are a couple of procedural questions I can't seem to work out / find a way to decide on : 


  • should we do a fresh / up to date AlteryxServer installation or re-install the current installed version on the new Windows box?
  • is there a way to quickly / automatically migrate the workflows? (nb - there are <30 so doing this by hand wouldn't be a show-stopper)
  • if anyone has experience of doing this please could you share high level summary of the process and any sticky points you stumbled across?


I am guessing there might be a set of procedures somewhere (and hoping it is straightforward) so any advice and/ / or pointers would be super-brilliant.


Many thanks in advance


12 - Quasar
8 - Asteroid

hi @dougperez 


thanks for the pointer, looks comprehensive. I will give it a thorough going over today.


most appreciated


8 - Asteroid

All / @dougperez 


Anyone happen to have suggested details on the path / option to take when doing the install / reinstall on the new server?


Most grateful,


12 - Quasar

I would install a new version (new features etc), but depends of the company

8 - Asteroid

thanks @dougperez  - any idea if this requires a temp second licence? 

12 - Quasar

If you want the two servers running at the same time for a short period: Yes.
Try to contact one of the partner to see if they can "lend" you a licence just for the migration, after that you will need to deactivate the license and activate.