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Using the File Browse tool to select an output location in Alteryx Server

7 - Meteor


I am looking for a bit of assistance in using the File Browse tool to select a location to save an output.


Basically, I would like a prompt where the user browses to  a location to save the output. 


It runs fine when ran as an analytic app. (See below)


However, when I upload to the Gallery and attempt to run from there, the ability to navigate to a specific folder location seems to be gone. It says "Browse to a save location and select a file type" but there is no way actually select a file. It only lets me name the file and worksheet/table. (see below)



Pic 1.jpg

Below is a simple representation of my workflow.


Any idea if I am missing something or is it simply not possible to navigate to a specific folder location when running from the Gallery?





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @stevecassidy7777 does the Server/Gallery have access to the network drive you are trying to save to?

7 - Meteor

Hello Joseph- I am certainly going to check into that today. Thank you!

7 - Meteor

Hello Joseph- We ended up going another route with this so I didn't need to follow this all the way through. Thanks again for the response!

7 - Meteor

I am seeing the same.  Yes, gallery has access to the desired location.

5 - Atom

Hi , I am facing the exact same issue while running the workflow from Private studio. Any thoughts please ?