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Migrate Test server setup to Prod Server

9 - Comet



I am looking for insights on the most effective way to take ALL content and structures that are set up in our TEST server over to our PROD server.


All workflows

All analytical apps

All macros

All schedules

All districts

All collections


As well as everything that is custimized in the admin section.


This should all be stored in the mongoDB instance i suppose. Can I backup the server and restore it to prod?

If not, can I run any scripts to do this job?

If not, can I copy all Alteryx folders from TEST and replace the ones in PROD?

Or any other way to do this in bulk?

8 - Asteroid


Server Version: 2018.4.6

I took a backup and trying to restore to the same server.

I am able to complete all steps until step # 3.


3. Connect to the MongoDB database using the command and connection string below.


Command: mongo mongodb://{server}:{port}/{galleryDatabase} -u user -p {Non-Admin Password}
Example: mongo mongodb://localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery -u user -p CCEC********************************33C0


I get the following error when I execute the  command.


MongoDB shell version v3.4.10-62-g960c883
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery
2020-11-08T07:27:25.269-0800 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2020-11-08T07:27:25.273-0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server localhost:27018, connection attempt failed :
exception: connect failed


How to resolve this?


Thank you.

11 - Bolide

Have you tried adding the parameter --bind_ip_all to the MongoDB startup command?

8 - Asteroid


I tried the steps in

At step # 5, I get the following error.

In the second command prompt, connect to the MongoDB database using the command and connection string below. 
Commandmongo mongodb://{server}:{port}/{galleryDatabase} -u user -p {Non-Admin Password}


C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin>mongo mongodb://localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery -u user -p 4E8...............................14
MongoDB shell version v3.4.10-62-g960c883
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery
MongoDB server version: 3.4.10-62-g960c883
2020-11-10T16:11:27.034-0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: Authentication failed. :
exception: login failed


How to resolve this?


Thank you.

11 - Bolide

Try adding the bind_ip_all to the startup command from step 3, such as:


mongod –dbpath ”D:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\Persistence\MongoDB_Restore” –auth –port 27018 –bind_ip_all


Then try connecting using step 5.