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Managing Access to Shared Connections

9 - Comet

My company has recently upgraded from 2019.4 to 2021.2 and we are trying to navigate the new requirements to share data connections with all users who run workflows on the Gallery. We have 90 artisans, 300 members who run workflows on our gallery, and 75 data connections. We are trying to figure out how to handle this so we aren't constantly adding users to connections but also avoid the security issue below. has anyone faced this issue?


Security Issue ------------------------------------------------------------------------

User A with Sql connection A that has read/write to Schema A

User B with Sql connection B that has read write to Schema B


Both users are artisans.


User B builds workflow B and shared via collection for User A to run that outputs to Schema B for a specific process, but User B does not want User A to have full access to connection B outside of just being able to run the specific workflow shared in the collection.


How can we share the connections to meet this requirement?



I've already read these article and I'm trying to figure out how others have handled this:

Troubleshooting "Unable to translate Alias" with G... - Alteryx Community


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @MattBenj ,


The user B can include his credentials before publishing the workflow and all users with access to this workflow will impersonate his credentials.

For that, you need to enable that option on the gallery admin side.



With that, before publishing, you will see an option to include your credentials. Keep in mind that you will need to work with shared credentials for this to work.




Fernando Vizcaino


9 - Comet

Thanks for the suggestion @fmvizcaino. In my company our passwords must be reset every 90 days so would my designers have to update that password in every one of their workflows when it 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You would need to update the credentials on server every 90 days. One thing I'm not sure is if you need to republish the workflow once again after renewing the password.

9 - Comet

After talking with Alteryx support we came to the conclusion that there isn't a solution that checks all of the boxes. This idea by @elsastark would solve the oroblem Data Connection - More Specific Permissioning for ... - Alteryx Community.