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Integration between code snippet and workflow at Gallery

8 - Asteroid

Hi Alteryx Engineer,


As we have seen, Alteryx is good at data ETL part, but for some reason, we have to add extra code snippet to have some tasks completed on our server(Not the server installed with Alteryx gallery), our requirement is  once those code snippet is done, we want to notify and start running the workflow on gallery.  and once workflow on gallery is done, we need to notify our code snippet to do the rest of work. Do we have any idea about how to integrate these process into an automated one?



The Alteryx Server has  API and Command line functionality to execute jobs and a workflow can also call APIs with the Download tool or execute commands with the Run Command tool. You can also use Workflow Events to execute scripts before/after workflow run. 


Run Command tool: 

Workflow events (before or after run): 

Alteryx Server API documentation: