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There was an unknown error executing the application. The engine reported status Error

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow (application) that works fine on desktop. It has several input files and the data is appended to the quarterly xlsx file on local shared drive.

After uploading to the gallery, it always fails and says "There was an unknown error executing the application. The engine reported status Error." No further log I can get as of now. It is definitely not related to input files. It just stops writing the output file half way. The latest case is when it is blob in and blob out a file with size over 60,000KB, it just stopped at about 30,000KB. Not sure if there's a time limit or size limit when writing from Gallery to local shared drive.


Another thing that might lead to this issue could be the chained app setup as I have added a 2nd application to delete the xlsx.bak files generated by the first application. I have removed this chained app a few hours ago and testing is positive with data reaching 28,000KB. I am going to test further till 60,000KB to see if it is data size issue or chained app issue.


I think that this may have to do with the timeout for chained analytic apps: