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Download tool : "Error transferring data: SSL connect error"

7 - Meteor



I successfully implemented a workflow which simply download a csv file from an azure blob storage (using download tool), thanks to an URL with a SAS token. In fact, this one work in Designer locally, but also in Designer on the VM where Alteryx Server is installed.


However, when I run it on Alteryx Server I get the following error : "Error transferring data: SSL connect error". I really don't find a solution unfortunately...


Thank you for your help !

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @antoine_pac 


I'm using a run command and AWS CLI v2 to publish files on S3 and we need to provide this command on the final of line --sse AES256


The complete command is:


s3 cp "C:\temp\myfile.csv" "s3://mybucket/myfiletest1.csv" --sse AES256


Try to use it and let me know if you can solve the problem.



Carlos A Teixeira
7 - Meteor

@carlosteixeiraI don't have S3 buckets to test this command unfortunately.

However, I tested an "azcopy" command line instead of the download tool to pull my data from blob storage. But the same message appears when I run the workflow in the gallery, while it works when I run it on Designer.