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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Alteryx Server Set up - Report on how often workflows have been run

5 - Atom

We are setting up our alteryx server and wanted to some how be able to tell how often each workflow in the server is ran. Is there a report that shows this or do we need to use API and create a report from that. 




14 - Magnetar

There is the Server Usage Report that you can download from the same place where you get the Server installer file. It has some information that might help you. If you need something more customized, you can get information using the APIs and querying the MongoDB.

5 - Atom

you happen to know which exact API to use if we want to retrieve all the runs that took took place. We essentially want the data on how often each of the workflows in the server are used. We want to know errors and want to know successful ones

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The Server Usage Report is available on our download licensing portal as a distinct download. Check the site for Server versions 21.4, or 22.1 and you can download the workflow macro. This essentially sets up a query to your MongoDB to run reports and statistics such as this. There's some prepopulated outputs, but any data in your Server database can be accessed using this macro. This will work on all versions of Server but is no longer being provided as a distinct download as of 2022.3 release since updates to the prepopulated outputs aren't being made proactively by the Alteryx team.

8 - Asteroid

Alteryx offers Workflow Admin Manager as an add-on and has an incredible amount of reporting, auditing, SDLC, etc. built in. It fully indexes everything via the API and MongoDB. Tons of content here if you're interested: