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Alteryx Promote Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Promote experts.
Troubleshooting steps for missing model logs.
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Models deployed to Promote can be queried through a couple of different ways, one of them being a standard REST API post request. Querying a model consists of sending in the predictor variables to the model, allowing the model to process the data and make predictions. After the prediction is made from the model, the return is the score based on the predictor variables entered.
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This article will review the main factors that influence system performance and provide guidance on sizing for an initial deployment.
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This article describes why sometimes the Promote System Overview page doesn't show all machines in the cluster and how to resolve it.
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Welcome to part 2 of the Supporting Promote series. In this series, we will tackle some common issues and questions, and provide best practices for troubleshooting. In this article, we will be investigating one common "Promote Service Down" scenario - when the promote_logspout and promote_logstash services are down.  You can follow these same steps to start troubleshooting other downed services.
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Welcome to part 4 of the Supporting Promote series. In this series, we will tackle some common issues and questions, and provide best practices for troubleshooting. This article will demonstrate backing up and restoring your Promote PostgreSQL database.
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Welcome to part 3 of the Supporting Promote series. In this series, we will tackle some common issues and questions, and provide best practices for troubleshooting. This article will step through the process of restoring the Promote web app.
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Some Promote customers have run into an issue where the status of the predictive model will flicker between online and offline continuously on the Promote UI page. This article discusses the cause of the issue, as well as how to resolve it.
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  This article outlines the step-by-step procedure for enabling a set of backup nodes as a production cluster. This article does not describe how to capture the backup clones. Typically, these backup clones should come from a snapshot. The specific process for capturing these clones will depend on your deployment's infastructure. 
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