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sftp Download tool - Failed Initialization

7 - Meteor

Hello, i am pulling data (GET request) from a clients sftp.

The download tool and workflow was working fine for the last 2 months, no changes were made to the workflow nor the download process

suddenly i am getting Error transferring data: Failed initialization   error from the download tool.  I am passing just the url and  user/pass, one file download per run. 

Has anyone found the cause of this?

I am able to access the folder thru filezila just fine with the credentials, just not thru Alteryx.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Most likely your IT changed the security settings according to this post.

7 - Meteor

Yes you are right, the server's security was raised and is not matching the download tool security  transfer protocol. I am looking for a workarounds/ substitute for download tool. 


thank you

8 - Asteroid

Hi Mmisiji60! Did you find a solution/workaround to this problem yet?

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, it turned out that my client's encyption was higher than alteryx's and this blocked the connection.

I ended up using a python script in the workflow that would download the files from the SFTP to alteryx server.


8 - Asteroid

Hi Plamena10! Thanks for the swift response - any chance you could share an anonymised version of the Python script with me?

6 - Meteoroid

Sure-  this script is looking for .csv files in folder

Create 2 folders: 

1. for keyfile you will need to create folder both on your local PC and the server if required -in my case i store txt file with  SSH key

2. folder to where the file will be downloaded and (if needed) picked up back into the workflow



hope it helps
